Monday, February 4, 2008

Weather Icons

A new set of weather icons, based on the BBC. They are hand drawn and transparent.

1 comment:

SirBush said...

Hi again... I've managed to change a couple of things. Do you know how I can get the kits (next to the scoreboard) changed to the team logos WITHOUT having a tiny little logo there instead? I found the ids (such as scpc for the away logo) but replacing the kit widget to a picture widget merely puts a tiny logo there instead. It doesn't matter what size you put for the logo, it's always the small scale (about 50x50). Any ideas?

Also, I'm still trying to figure out why this particular skin refuses to use custom backgrounds for the matchday screens. It always goes to default, even though all the other screen backgrounds work perfectly. :)

Oh, and if by any chance you know what setting controls the tree menu bar's background color - so that it can dynamically change depending on which team you are controlling - I'd appreciate the information. I can't find it anywhere!

Again, great work. With a few personalizations this will be my favourite skin ever. :)